1. A false belief among users is that the smoke from hookah is less dangerous than that of cigarettes. This is wrong! However since people think this is true, it gives a false sense of security and reduces concerns about true health effects. Doctors at institutions including the Mayo Clinic have stated that “use of hookah is equally detrimental to a person’s health as smoking cigarettes,” and a study by the World Health Organization also confirmed these findings. 2. Hookah use may lead to infertility. Yes, you read that correctly. 3. In a one-hour (1 hour) hookah session, users consume around 100 to 200 times the smoke and about 70 times the nicotine as they do in one cigarette. 4. Water pipe smokers are seven times (7 times) more likely than non-smokers to show signs of gum disease and mouth cancer. 5. There are over 250 different kinds of Hookah flavors, and that number continues to rise. 6. Each hookah session (commonly referred to as “a sesh”) consists of 50 to 200 ...